Sunday, April 6, 2014

7th Grade Compacted Curriculum Review Game

This is a 10 question general review game for the state tests at the end of the year. I was introduced to this website,, at a professional development meeting during my internship in a middle school.  Students can use laptops provided by the schools, or their own devices- depending on your school's technology availability and policy. The quizzes are really easy to make and have a fun game-show feel to them that the kids absolutely loved. There will be many more Kahoots in the future!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Classroom Behavior Management Plan

Classroom Behavior Management Plan

Classroom Rules

1.      Respect others. Be kind with words and actions.

2.      Come to class daily prepared with materials and a positive attitude.

3.      Listen carefully and follow directions the first time asked.

4.      Do not interrupt others while speaking and raise your hand if you have a question.

5.      Ask questions and stay on task.

Explanation of Rules

1. Students should always follow the golden rule: “Treat others how you would want to be treated”. If students respect one another, then the classroom environment will remain stable and peaceful. 

2. Students need to bring all materials and maintain a positive attitude every day in order to be successful in their education. A positive attitude will assist students in becoming enthusiastic and open-minded learners. Time is wasted when students must ask around for materials which they should have already. In a worst case scenario, the student may have to go without and lose valuable information in the process.

3. Class time is wasted when students need the teacher to repeat directions, therefore students must pay attention the first time. 

4. In order for students to fully absorb presented information, students should not not talk while others are speaking. They must listen and maintain respect with hand raising rather than speaking out.

5. If students do not understand information, it is their job to let the teacher know, so she can adjust, modify, or change teaching techniques to accommodate students’  learning styles and needs. Students should remain on task during lessons and activities because this maximizes learning time.

1. Verbal warning and logical consequences informing students that they have a choice in their behavior and the resulting consequences of misbehavior.

2. Contact Parent to reinforce the seriousness of the situation at home and at school.

3. Denial of privileges such as lunch with friends or advisement activities.

4. Lunch detention, sitting at the silent lunch table during lunchtime.

5. Before or after-school detention with teacher.

6. Parent/team conference to ensure support from all members of students’ lives.

7. Referral to administration. 

My Classroom Management Plan

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophy (and Influences) of Classroom Management

            My philosophy on classroom management can be summed up in one statement: Be patient, caring, structured and practical. The ground rules should be clearly laid out on the first day of school, such as what Harry Wong describes, in order to establish a firm understanding of what is expected in the classroom from day one. Children need structure and it is immensely beneficial for the teacher to provide it at all times. I also ascribe to Lee and Marlene Canter’s ideas of assertive discipline. It should be made clear that “students have the right to learn while they are in school and the teacher has the right to teach”. Any disruptions that negatively affect class time will be handled accordingly, per the prescribed set of class rules that students will consistently be reminded of.

            While physically teaching, I show preference toward Jacob Kounin’s lesson management techniques; To maintain order, teachers need to be aware of all that is happening in the classroom at all times and have the ability to act quickly when circumstances arise. I also believe that student behavior is optimal when students are interested in presented material. Lesson momentum and excitement play a pivotal role in the advancement of student learning.

            When confronting students with issues that may be construed in a negative manner, I agree with Haim Ginott’s “Congruent Communications Theory”. “I-messages” are much more effective than “You-messages” because students may feel threatened and lash out when a teacher addresses situations in a negative and non-productive manner. “I-messages” also show students that the teacher truly cares about the student and encourages improvement rather than places blame.

In the classroom, I prefer myself to maintain a referent power base with my students. My intention is not to be a friend to the students, but rather, to convey a message that I care about them on an individual level. When I am disappointed or angry, it is because students were breaking pivotal rules, being disrespectful, or disruptive. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions, and should feel comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns without the fear of ridicule or negative backlash.

               I believe in collaborative management because it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that students become productive members of a democratic society. A helpful way for students to learn how to function democratically is for the teacher to model the behavior and allow students to make their own decisions. The teacher should serve as the guide and leader and the student should be able to provide input which is valued and taken into consideration in times of need.

 My introduction to students on the first day of school will most certainly be: “I am the teacher and my job is to teach you. You are the student and your job is to learn. As long as we both do our jobs well, this will be a rewarding year.”

Routines and Procedures

To avoid disciplinary problems stemming from idle time, students will be required to enter the classroom and immediately begin a warm-up activity of some sort. The warm-up activity will serve as a distraction from social activity and will prepare students for the requirement of focus on the topic of the day.

Throughout the workday, students will be required to stay on task and only leave their seats for sharpening pencils or throwing away trash, etc., when they do so in a non-disruptive manner or have asked for permission to do so. This will alleviate unnecessary distractions throughout the school day and procedures will, likewise, be explained thoroughly to students during the first days of class.

Students must remain quiet and attentive to instruction, unless notified otherwise (because of group work or other extenuating circumstances) and will be reminded of the necessity to do so and the consequences of disruptive behavior whenever the necessity arises.

Seating Arrangement

My classroom seating chart will be laid out in rows and columns with each student having the accessibility of a single partner at all times. In this way, students are all faced forward and will be less likely to become distracted by peers around them. The teacher’s desk will, optimally, be in the front, corner of the room so that when students are working and the teacher is at the desk, the teacher is always in view of all the students. In this way, the teacher can monitor misbehavior or receive questions and comments from students at all times. There will be room in between rows and around the room to move around and desks will have the option to be pushed together and moved around for special activities throughout the school year. Storage best placed in the back of the classroom because it does not need to be a focus or distraction for students.  Additional desks will be placed off to the side for students to use for projects that require more space or for students who consistently misbehave in class and must sit near the teacher, who will then exert proximity control to maintain appropriate behavioral expectations.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Triangle Inequality Theorem Lesson Plan (7th grade)

Lesson Plan
Subject/Topic: Math/ Triangle Inequality Theorem
Time (minutes) required for lesson: 60 minutes                             

CC Georgia Performance Standards for this lesson:

MCC7.G.2. Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.

Essential Question(s):
  • What is the relationship between the sides of a triangle?
  • Students need to understand what side lengths will create a triangle in order to recognize whether measurements are valid or not.
Goals of lesson aligned with CC Georgia Performance Standards:
  • Students will be able to determine whether side lengths create a triangle by applying their understanding of the triangle inequality theorem. 

  • Materials/Equipment/Technology Required:
  • Computer, projector, and Mobi Tablet OR white board.
  • Olympic Math website:
  • Straws and Triangle Inequality Theorem worksheet
Warm-up: (10 minutes)
Olympic Math- Identify and describe angles various pictures from the Olympics which highlight angle relationships such as supplementary, complementary, vertical, corresponding, and adjacent.
Format of the lesson: (30 minutes)
Independent Practice:
1.     Students will work individually to create various examples of triangles using the manipulative activity and discover the pattern that lends itself to the Triangle Inequality Theorem. The teacher will facilitate learning by keeping students on track and answering any questions they may have, but the students will discover the theorem for themselves.  
Direct Instruction: (10 minutes)
1.      Teacher will take examples from each student and use probing questions to draw out the pattern that the students found from their experimentation.

Closure: 10 minutes
1.      Ask students to summarize what they learned. 
2.      Exit ticket. Using the formula for the Triangle Inequality Theorem, give one example of a set of sides that do not create a triangle and another example of a set of sides that do create a triangle.


Complementary, Supplementary, and Angles in a Triangle Lesson Plan (7th grade)

Lesson Plan

Subject/Topic: Math/Complimentary, Supplementary, and Triangle Angles 
Time (minutes) required for lesson: 135 minutes    
CC Georgia Performance Standards for this lesson:

MCC7.G.2. Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.

MCC7.G.5. Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.

Essential Question(s):
·         How can protractors be used to create and describe angle measurements?
·         How can angle relationships be described as supplementary or complimentary?
·         Why does the sum of the angles within a triangle always equal 180 degrees?


·         Understanding relationships between angles is necessary to facilitate missing angle measurement problem solving later in the geometry curriculum.

Goals of lesson aligned with CC Georgia Performance Standards:
·         Students will accurately find angle measurements using protractors.
·         Students will determine angle relationships as being complimentary and/or supplementary.
·         Students will understand the relationship between the sum of angles in a triangle and supplementary angle measurements.

Materials/Equipment/Technology Required:
·         < 10 geo-boards
·         < 100 rubber bands
·         < 2 sets of “ang-legs” (Substitute with Popsicle sticks, etc., if necessary)
·         Class set of protractors
·         Paper and pencils
·         Computer with projector and internet connection to go to: for protractor modeling  OR large protractor for modeling OR document camera for modeling protractor usage

Introduction: 20 minutes

Protractor Review I DO- WE DO- YOU DO format. This is a general review for using protractors, because students should have already been exposed to this already. Students need to know how to use protractors so that they can explore the properties of angles and identify relationships between angles later on.

·         Ask students: What is the protractor used for when making shapes? (Expected response would be to measure angles.)
* I do- We do- You do: Exercise for protractors*
o   Estimate to one or two degrees.
1.  I do: Several examples from: (This website is just a digital version of a protractor. The teacher can set parameters as to the degree of accuracy accepted for determining angle measurements using a protractor, as well as other versions of protractor usage outside of finding angle measurements.)
2.  We do: (On the white board with the wooden protractor)
§  Make a 45 degree angle.
§  Make a 105 degree angle.
3.      You do:
§  Make an acute, obtuse, and right angle.

Format of the lesson- Direct Instruction: 15 minutes  
1.      Supplementary and complementary note taking- definition, examples, and real-world examples. What are supplementary angles? Give clue for the “S” in supplementary as being able to turn into an 8 for 180 degrees. What are complimentary angles? Give clue for the “C” in complimentary as being able to turn into a 9 for 90 degrees.
2.      Review angle measurements of triangles by asking students how many degrees are in a triangle and clarifying any misconceptions that may occur.
3.      Provide detailed instructions for the following independent “centers”.  Students will break into six groups (decided on by the teacher). There will be three centers duplicated so that there will be two of each center ongoing at all times. Co-teaching model will provide students with one teacher per three centers for monitoring and assistance purposes. Directions for each center will be posted at each individual center.

Centers: Complimentary Angles, Supplementary Angles, and Angles of a Triangle (20 minutes for each center)
1.       Geo-board Supplementary Angles Task: Investigate what makes two angles supplementary.
a.       Use a protractor to measure the angle formed by one long rubber band piece, stretched over at least 5 pegs. What kind of an angle is this called? (Straight angle).
b.      Create a scalene triangle using the original long rubber band piece (straight angle), and two shorter pieces and then add a fourth orange piece to the center of the long rubber band piece, up through the vertex of the shorter two rubber band pieces. 
c.       Remember how many degrees were in the straight angle formed by the first single long rubber band. Measure and record each of the angles formed at the center connector of the first long piece.
d.      What do you notice about these angles? How do they relate to the measurement of the degrees in the single long piece, straight angle?
e.       Try this again one more time with different sized rubber band pieces. Is there a similar relationship?
f.       What kind of angles are these?
Geo-board Complimentary Angles Task: Investigate complimentary angles.
g.      Make medium-large sized square to begin.
h.      Measure and record the angle at the lower left vertex. *Use the protractor to measure angles.
i.        Use another connecting piece to divide the angle you just measured into two angles as shown.
j.        Measure both angles created by the new connecting piece, the angle bisector.
k.      What do you notice about these angles? How do they relate to the measurement of one of the angles in the square?
l.        Find an equation that explains the mathematical relationship between the original angle of the square and the two acute angles.
m.    Try this again one more time with different color pieces. Is there a similar relationship?
n.      What kind of angles are the two acute angles?
2.      “Ang-Legs” Triangle Sum Task: Investigate the properties of the angles of a triangle.
a.       Build three congruent scalene triangles.
b.      Identify a different vertex on each triangles (arrows).
c.       Connect all three vertices together and align triangle legs.
d.      What do you notice about the degree measurement when all three angles are connected?
e.       Repeat with equilateral and isosceles triangles.
f.       Does this work for all triangles, or only certain triangles?

Closure: 20 minutes
·         What are supplementary angles?
·         What are complementary angles?
·         How many degrees are in a triangle?
·         Find examples of complementary and supplementary angles in the classroom. 

Populations and Samples Lesson Plan (7th grade)

Lesson Plan
Subject/Topic: Math/Populations and Samples 
Time (minutes) required for lesson: 120 minutes  
CC Georgia Performance Standards for this lesson:

MCC7.SP.1. Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of the population; generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is representative of that population. Understand that random sampling tends to produce representative samples and support valid inferences.

MCC7.SP.2. Use data from a random sample to draw inferences about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest. Generate multiple samples (or simulated samples) of the same size to gauge the variation in estimates or predictions. For example, estimate the mean word length in a book by randomly sampling words from the book; predict the winner of a school election based on randomly sampled survey data. Gauge how far off the estimate or prediction might be.

Essential Question(s):
·         How do scientists make estimations about a population size using a representative sample?

·      Choosing biased, random, and convenient samples affect the fairness and accuracy of statistical estimations.

Goals of lesson aligned with CC Georgia Performance Standards:
·         Students will recognize that larger samples are more likely to be representative of a population.
·         Students will understand the differences between random, convenient, and biased samples.

Materials/Equipment/Technology Required:


Introduction: 20 minutes
Opener: On the projector/whiteboard-
1.      What can you think of that’s random?
2.      What can you think of that’s biased?
3.      What can you think of that’s convenient?

Format of the lesson: 40 minutes  
1.      Discuss vocabulary terms and meanings: random sample, biased sample, and convenient sample. Link ideas about vocabulary into everyday experiences and explain the vocabulary’s mathematical connotations.
2.      Discuss and show an example of random sampling through the conceptualization of fish in a lake. Out of three types of fish, there are 125 of one group, 130 of another group, and 45 of another group. Discuss by leading questions regarding how we might use this collected sampling data to make inferences about the fish population in the lake. Students should come to the conclusion that the relationship between the fish populations can be quantified through using inequalities and discovering patterns.
3.      Discuss common mistakes with random sampling through an example of an election. Point out that choosing a small amount of data can skew results when results are closely tied. Ask students which amount of people would give the most representative and, therefore, valid representation of voters- 25, 100, 2500, etc?
4.      Give examples of biased and convenient samples and allow students to discuss how they differ from one another and how they differ from random sample. Which sampling method do they think will produce the most valid population representation? Answers should lead students to determining that random sampling is more accurate.
Application/Independent Practice:  40 minutes
1.      Independently, students will complete the “Counting Trees” state task. Within this task students will be expected to determine which method would be best used to determine and estimate the amount of old trees vs. young trees. Students will display logical reasoning skills and make inferences based on estimations from over 1000 trees.

Closure: 20 minutes

·         Recap of the meaning of biased, convenient, and random sampling and how they are used appropriately or inappropriately to make inferences about populations.

·         Exit ticket: Give an example of a situation in which sampling could be used to make inferences about a population and explain your reasoning. 

Geometry Unit Vocabulary Knowledge Scale

Students need multiple opportunities for exposure to new vocabulary terms in order to remember and apply the words appropriately. I found this knowledge scale to be an effective way to engage students through multiple ways of looking at the words.  

Vocabulary Knowledge Scale

I have never seen or heard the word, but I don’t know what it means
I have seen or heard the word but I don’t know what it means
I think I know what it means
I know the definition of the word
I can use the word in a sentence or in math class

Composite Figure




Vertical Angles

Adjacent Angles

Straight Angles

Complimentary Angles

Supplementary Angles

