Friday, March 14, 2014

Populations and Samples Lesson Plan (7th grade)

Lesson Plan
Subject/Topic: Math/Populations and Samples 
Time (minutes) required for lesson: 120 minutes  
CC Georgia Performance Standards for this lesson:

MCC7.SP.1. Understand that statistics can be used to gain information about a population by examining a sample of the population; generalizations about a population from a sample are valid only if the sample is representative of that population. Understand that random sampling tends to produce representative samples and support valid inferences.

MCC7.SP.2. Use data from a random sample to draw inferences about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest. Generate multiple samples (or simulated samples) of the same size to gauge the variation in estimates or predictions. For example, estimate the mean word length in a book by randomly sampling words from the book; predict the winner of a school election based on randomly sampled survey data. Gauge how far off the estimate or prediction might be.

Essential Question(s):
·         How do scientists make estimations about a population size using a representative sample?

·      Choosing biased, random, and convenient samples affect the fairness and accuracy of statistical estimations.

Goals of lesson aligned with CC Georgia Performance Standards:
·         Students will recognize that larger samples are more likely to be representative of a population.
·         Students will understand the differences between random, convenient, and biased samples.

Materials/Equipment/Technology Required:


Introduction: 20 minutes
Opener: On the projector/whiteboard-
1.      What can you think of that’s random?
2.      What can you think of that’s biased?
3.      What can you think of that’s convenient?

Format of the lesson: 40 minutes  
1.      Discuss vocabulary terms and meanings: random sample, biased sample, and convenient sample. Link ideas about vocabulary into everyday experiences and explain the vocabulary’s mathematical connotations.
2.      Discuss and show an example of random sampling through the conceptualization of fish in a lake. Out of three types of fish, there are 125 of one group, 130 of another group, and 45 of another group. Discuss by leading questions regarding how we might use this collected sampling data to make inferences about the fish population in the lake. Students should come to the conclusion that the relationship between the fish populations can be quantified through using inequalities and discovering patterns.
3.      Discuss common mistakes with random sampling through an example of an election. Point out that choosing a small amount of data can skew results when results are closely tied. Ask students which amount of people would give the most representative and, therefore, valid representation of voters- 25, 100, 2500, etc?
4.      Give examples of biased and convenient samples and allow students to discuss how they differ from one another and how they differ from random sample. Which sampling method do they think will produce the most valid population representation? Answers should lead students to determining that random sampling is more accurate.
Application/Independent Practice:  40 minutes
1.      Independently, students will complete the “Counting Trees” state task. Within this task students will be expected to determine which method would be best used to determine and estimate the amount of old trees vs. young trees. Students will display logical reasoning skills and make inferences based on estimations from over 1000 trees.

Closure: 20 minutes

·         Recap of the meaning of biased, convenient, and random sampling and how they are used appropriately or inappropriately to make inferences about populations.

·         Exit ticket: Give an example of a situation in which sampling could be used to make inferences about a population and explain your reasoning. 

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